The answer may reveal the truth about the JFK assassination – A computer scientist who specializes in digital forensics has reanalyzed the famous Lee Harvey Oswald photograph in order to determine if it is real or a digitized fake. In it,Oswald is shown holding a rifle in one hand and Marxist newspapers in the other. Some critics have claimed that another head was digitally “pasted” onto the body in the photograph. One unanswered question is: How did Jack Ruby (who killed Oswald after he assassinated President Kennedy) ever get past the police cordon in Dallas! See one provocative theory in the short film “One Day in Dallas,” which is part of theDark Matter DVD series, Volume more

Why do Italians get so old and stay so CHEERFUL? They put olive oil on almost everything they eat!
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Don’t reach down to pet that stray cat: The number of reported rabies cases among cats increased by 12% in 2008 compared to 2007. More than 36% of US cat-owning households did not visit a veterinarian in 2006, which is more than double the percentage of dog-owning households that didn’t visit a vet. This might be because so many cat owners adopt animals that turn up on their doorsteps, and some of them never really become tame.
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Can we fight crime with radio waves? (They work against mosquitoes). They’re safer than guns. What would be really effective would be to read criminals’ text messages so cops can catch them planning their next heist (as long the police don’t keep their phone in the wrong pocket!)

A wireless network of radio transmitters can track people moving behind solid walls. The system could help police, firefighters and others nab intruders, and rescue hostages, fire victims and elderly people who fall in their homes. It also might help border control.
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