In the fascinating subscriber interview with Anne Strieber, Dreamland host William Henry tells about the incredible Egyptian symbolism he has discovered all over America, including the fact that the Capitol Building is actually a temple of transformation! (And if only some of our politicians can become transformed, maybe our country will make the changes that are desperately needed). If you thought his DVD A Nation Under God was powerful, you won’t want to miss this upcoming DVD!

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?.by buying General Motors and Chrysler – In The Truth About Cars website, Bertel Schmitt says that China’s daily business newspaper, the 21st Century Business Herald, has reported that a “senior official of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology” has hinted that “the auto manufacturing giants in China have the capability and intention to buy some assets of the two crisis-plagued American automakers.”
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On Tuesday, November 18 Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, starting at around 10:30 pm Pacific.Click here to find out where YOU can listen.

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This theory is based on a comparison of autism with the weather records from three West Coast states: California, Oregon and Washington State. Researchers found that rates of autism were higher in children who lived in states where it rained a lot during their first 3 years.

How can this be? Since we suspect that autism is caused by a reaction to heavy metals in genetically susceptible infants, perhaps rain causes this type of pollution (often from power plants) to be brought closer to the ground, where it can be breathed in by infants and pregnant mothers.
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