Conservative critics of American universities?especially the East Coast Ivy League schools?have always claimed that liberal left-wing professors politically indoctrinate their students. However, three different studies show this is one of those ideas that is talked about a lot but actually isn’t true.

In the November 2nd edition of the New York Times, Patricia Cohen quotes political scientist Lee Fritschler as saying that if there has been a conspiracy among liberal faculty members to influence students, “they’ve done a pretty bad job.”
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Is it dangerous? – We are all afraid of products from China (and rightfully so!), but is the FDA doing anything about this problem? It turns out that some popular drug and food items, such as generic aspirin, are not manufactured in the US anymore, so they can ONLY be imported from China.

In Star, Gardiner Harris writes: “China now produces about two-thirds of all aspirin and is poised to become the world?s sole global supplier in the not-too-distant future. But are the Chinese factories safe? Who knows? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency and other competent government regulators rarely, if ever, inspect them.”
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Does your personality influence who you voted for? The short answer is yes, no matter whether you vote Democratic or Republican. And how did the astronauts on board the ISS cast their votes? By email from space!

According to psychologist John Mayer, as Americans go to the polls in record numbers to vote for the next US president, some voters will crave social stability and others will crave social change. Liberals and conservatives divide according to these personality preferences.
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In a story we posted on September 25th, we wrote: “The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team will be deployed to the US mainland beginning on October 1 for 12 months.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, a New Scientist blog warns that the government is planning to use robots to spy on US citizens. As the New York Times points out, George W. Bush still has almost 80 days left in office, and he’s hurrying to change rules and regulations on things like the environment, abortion rights, and especially, civilliberties, with new powers for the FBI.
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