I can’t believe it either: we actually elected a black president. I’m ashamed to realize that I underestimated my fellow citizens, but I think it’s the same old story: the bigoted minority makes the most noise. Bishop Shelby Spong once said, “Religions are like swimming pools, most of the noise comes from the shallow end.” I think politics is the same way.

One example of this is a Christmas dinner I went to years ago at Whitley’s family’s country house. The house is now lived in full time by Whitley’s aunt and uncle, and on Christmas and Thanksgiving, the whole clan is invited for a huge, blow out dinner.
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…Bullies! – One of the toughest parts about going back to school is facing bullies. Brain scans show that unusually aggressive youth may actually ENJOY inflicting pain on others.

Scans of the brains of bullies show that an area that is associated with rewards was highlighted when they watched a video clip of someone inflicting pain on another person. Kids who did not exhibit aggressive behavior did not have that response.

Psychiatrist Jean Decety says, “This work will help us better understand ways to work with juveniles inclined to aggression and violence.”
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Can honey treat a wound? What a sweet idea?if only we can keep our bees alive long enough to use it!

Smeared on a burn, the sticky elixir could reduce the time it takes for the wound to heal up to four days sooner in some cases. Honey?s history as a topical ointment for wounds stretches back into antiquity. An Egyptian surgical text, written on papyrus between 2600 and 2200 B.C., recommends the treatment, as do the Greek, Chinese and Ayurvedic medical traditions. Later, caregivers used honey-soaked bandages until topical antibiotics became widely available after World War II.
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Robert Salas tells one of the most powerful and incredible UFO stories ever heard, and he can prove every word of it. Back during the cold war, you could not do anything more calculated to frighten the United States Government than destroy its ability to launch its Minuteman missiles. And yet, that’s exactly what happened at Minot Air Force Base, and not only that, IT HAPPENED TO ROBERT SALAS. He was actually on duty in a missile command center when he received frantic word from the guards topside that a large glowing object was hanging right outside the gate to the facility. And then the klaxons began going off.

Find out what happened next on this week’s Dreamland!

And if you would like to know more, go to CUFON.Com. read more