In her new diary, Anne Strieber explains why “when you are in the movie business?and have even acted in a movie, as Whitley and I have?it kind of spoils your movie going experience. You no longer enjoy films with the childlike wonder you used to bring to the theater with you. Instead, you see holes in the plot, deficiencies in the acting and even the set decoration, you notice the product placement?and all this gets in the way of having a good time.”

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Soon there will be no difference between man & machine – We’re already merging man and machine in order to help people who are locked in by disease or injury. To abductees with implants, this sounds familiar! Computer designers predict that by 2020, there will essentially be no difference between a machine and its user, to the extent that computers will be able to anticipate what we want from them.

BBC News reports on a new Microsoft-backed report on human-computer interaction and warns, “Without proper consideration and control it is possible that we?both individually and collectively?may no longer be in control of ourselves or the world around us.”
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Father Gabriel Funes, the Pope’s chief astronomer, says that life on Mars could exist and that intelligent beings could exist in other solar systems and that the search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict belief in God. Funes directs the Vatican Observatory near Rome. Few people realize that the Vatican funds several telescopes, including one right here in the US, in Arizona.

In BBC News, David Willey reports that, writing in the Vatican newspaper, Funes also addressed the subject of “the Catholic Church’s condemnation four centuries ago of the Italian inventor of the telescope, Galileo.” According to Willey, “Father Funes diplomatically says mistakes were made, but it is time to turn the page and look towards the future.”
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When you are in the movie business (and have even acted in a movie, as Whitley and I have) it kind of spoils your movie going experience. You no longer enjoy films with the childlike wonder you used to bring to the theater with you. Instead, you see holes in the plot, deficiencies in the acting and even the set decoration, you notice the product placement, and all this gets in the way of having a good time.
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