Now that the cellphones that people are carrying around have CAMERAS in them, a lot more people are snapping photos of UFOs! Recently, these have been taken in Michigan, Scotland and Argentina. We’ve included the links, so YOU can see them too!

Saginaw, Michigan resident Matthew B. Mook was taking a picture of a sunset with a regular digital camera when he shot a photo of a UFO. In the Saginaw News, Cole Waterman quotes Mook as saying, “I know what it’s not: It’s not a plane.”

To see the photo, click here.
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Is NASA keeping the danger of a potential impact secret? – A 13-year-old German boy working on a science project recently corrected NASA’s estimates on the chances of an asteroid hitting the earth. He figured out that there is a 1 in 450 chance that the Apophis asteroid will hit us, while NASA claims that the odds are only 1 in 45,000.
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Scientists have found DNA traces that link some people in Lebanon to the medieval crusaders from Europe who were known as theKnights Templar.

The Genographic Project is trying to track human migrations through DNA. In BBC News, Paul Rincon writes that ?thousands of men from England, France, Germany and Italy came through Lebanon on four Crusades between the 11th and 13th Centuries. Many stayed to build castles and settlements, mixing with the local populations.?

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The Knights Templar disappeared and WE MIGHT TOO, if we don?t get more support from our readers and listeners. So if you don?t want to say goodbye to us, subscribe today. And please click on the new “donate” tab on our homepage.

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Karen Ralls is a hidden but extraordinary expert on the Knights Templars. Listen to this remarkable interview as William Henry uses his own expert knowledge of the mysterious Templars to get deeply into their secrets with Karen. Then Linda Moulton Howe offers a series of news updates on grain seed shortages,biofuel backfires, increasing hunger in 37 poor countries and implications for 2009 and beyond.

Visit Karen Ralls website here.

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