Thawing ice sheets can release unexpected dangers and reveal hidden worlds, including human bodies. Due to global warming, the bodies of smallpox victims from centuries ago are becoming “unburied.” Smallpox was finally eradicated in the 1970s?could this bring that dangerous virus back into our world?

The smallpox virus that was brought to America by Columbus and was one of the things that decimated the Indian tribes here. The disease also killed many people in the Arctic, and these are the bodies that are being revealed now.

In, Kristin Elise Phillips quotes researcher Imre Friedmann as saying, “In permafrost we find living bacteria in 3 million-year-old permafrost. So if bacteria survive, I don?t see why viruses don?t survive.”
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Musicians have better brains, but what makes them that way?genes or practice and exposure to music? And researchers discovered that when jazz musicians improvise, their brains turn off areas linked to self-censoring and inhibition. Does music soothe the savage beast? A group of musicians is studying music’s effect on animals.
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We know that tall people live longer than short people and this may be one reason why: short male babies run more than double the risk of a violent suicide attempt as an adult, showing that our genes count more than we’d like to think they do. But CULTURE counts too!

The suicide findings are based on a study of over 300,000 Swedish men, who were tracked from birth to the date of attempted suicide. Short babies were more likely to attempt suicide as adults, no matter what height they reached in adulthood, compared with normal length babies. Short birth length also more than doubled the risk of a violent suicide attempt as opposed to a non-violent one.
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For months, websites around the world have been speculating that video artist Kris Avery would admit to creating the drones, but now Avery has said that he didn’t create them. He did create some drone videos, but they were done to illustrate how easy it would be to accomplish. He insists that he did not create any of the original images. Avery says, “The videos I created…all inspired by the original photos. I myself am totally unsure as to the origin of the images beyond what I already know…i.e. anonymous witnesses…” Don’t miss Dreamland this weekend, when Linda Howe interviews a NEW Drone witness.
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