I have been boggled by the number of high strangeness events being reported on my website recently. There are mysterious bird deaths and strange meteors all over the world, and a sudden odor of gas in the New York/New Jersey area that frightened millions of people. And these are just a few of the high-strangeness events that are being reported. We are still getting a steady flow of emails about people seeing openings in the air with other worlds visible in them, or strange geometric shapes floating through their yards, etc. Plus, there are UFO stories coming in from all over the place, more, at least being reported to our website, than we have ever seen before.

It’s just plain weird, and if you stay with me fasten your seatbelt, because I’m about to make it even weirder.read more

On this web site in the past, we have asked the question: Are SUVs evil? Some people say that SUV drivers are more reckless than drivers of regular cars. Is this true?

SUVs are really trucks in disguise, since they are car-like vehicles built on a truck chassis. Most SUV drivers feel safer being surrounded by so much steel, but they aren?t safer if their choice of vehicle leads to more reckless driving.
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Strange bird deaths continue, this time with thousands of them falling out of the sky in Esperance, Australia.

In theaustraliannews.com.au, Amanda O’Brien quotes conservation official Mike Fitzgerald as saying, “It’s very substantial. We estimate several thousand birds are dead, although we don’t have a clear number because of the large areas of bushland.” Thousands of birds have literally fallen out of the sky. Could it be bird flu? No one knows.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

Sleuthing for the cause behind these bird deaths will definitely need to take the ripple effect into account?as well as the way our world really works (which is not the way most of us think it does!) Support us in this important mission! History will thank you.
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Scientists now say that autism is caused by exposure to heavy metal pollution. This has been blamed on the mercury that was once used as a preservative in children’s vaccines, but power plants and car exhausts spew out heavy metals as well. In fact, there may be a great deal of these dangerous substances in your own home.
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