Whitley Strieber will take part in a tribute to retiring Coast to Coast AM host Art Bell on Wednesday’s show on July 18, when he will talk about the most important thing that ever happened to him with regard to Art in their long relationship (and friendship) with each other.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Whitley Strieber’s first crop circle imprinting meditation is our lead offering for our subscribers this week. Whitley has been working with the circles ever since the possibility that they might be intended?or at least, usable?as mind-altering patterns came up a few weeks ago. For more information on how all that works, read his journal entry about this. Keep reading to find out how you can join our meditation!
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We long reported that our chances of getting cancer may be affected by what we eat. Now scientists say that eating grapefruit every day may raise the risk of developing breast cancer by almost a third. And while genes explain why Asian women get less breast cancer, their diet could also have something to do with it.

The BBC News reports that “a study of 50,000 post-menopausal women found eating just a quarter of a grapefruit daily raised the risk by up to 30%.” This is because grapefruit raises the levels of estrogen, which is the hormone associated with a higher risk of developing the disease. Grapefruit doesn’t boost estrogen levels directly, it inhibits a molecule in the body that is involved in metabolizing estrogen hormones. The result??more estrogen.
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A family trip to the seaside may become an antiquated custom, thanks to global warming. In North Carolina alone, the ocean is expected to rise one foot in the next 25 to 75 years, which would erode 2,000 to 10,000 feet of the beaches there.

In LiveScience.com, Andrea Thompson quotes geologist Orrin Pilkey as saying, “We have no way of predicting what sea level rise will do to erosion rates, except to say that they will increase.” Hurricanes, which are on the increase due to climate change, can also destroy beaches.
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