Whenever I read an exciting book, I like to share it with my friends (and I think of everyone who reads this web site as a friend, perhaps because you were all so supportive of me during my recent illness). I recently wrote about The G.O.D. Experiments, the incredible new book by Gary Schwartz, in which he uses science to prove the existence of God.read more

Years ago, we were warned not to jog next to heavily trafficked streets, since that would cause us to inhale a lot of dangerous fumes. We assumed that walking or riding a bicycle in an area filled with cars would cause people to inhale more pollution than they would if they were riding in one of the cars (or in a taxi or bus), but it turns out the OPPOSITE is true.
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In her new diary Anne Strieber writes: “Whenever I read an exciting book, I like to share it with my friends?and I think of everyone who reads this web site as a friend?perhaps because you were all so supportive of me during my recent illness. I recently wrote about The G.O.D. Experiments, the incredible new book by Gary Schwartz, in which he uses science to prove the existence of God.read more

Global warming, the threat of nuclear war, genetically-modified crops and industrial farming all threaten the future of food. Our salvation may lie in a “doomsday vault,” buried deep in a mountain on an island next to the North Pole.

This vault holds about 2 million seeds, and almost all the varieties of the world?s crops are represented. In New Scientist, Fred Pearce quotes the directory of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, Cary Fowler, as saying, “If the worst came to the worst, this would allow the world to reconstruct agriculture on this planet.”
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