Those of us who watched the heroic struggle of paralyzed Superman actor Chris Reeve have been devastated to learn that his widow Dana Reeve, who is only 44 years old, has lung cancer?even though she has never smoked. How is this possible?

This also happened to nonsmoker Alice Trillin, wife of writer Calvin Trillin, who is most famous for his memoir “Alice, Let’s Eat.” Alice Trillin grew up in a family of chain smokers and was probably exposed to a great deal of secondhand smoke as a child. However, she did not die of lung cancer; she died of a heart condition caused by radiation treatments for her cancer.
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This weekend on Dreamland, Whitley talks to Barbara Hand Clow, author of Catastro-phobia, the Pleiadian Agenda and many other best selling books in our store, who updates us on the actual state of oil reserves, based on her research, and tells us what people who are involved in a spiritual search can do to directly affect the coming changes. Subscribers get to hear William Henry describes the amazing graffitti he saw in the prison where the Templars were held on his recent trip to France. And Linda tells about kangaroo mutilations in Australia. To access Barbara Clow’s wonderful website, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Ecologists think that the mythical Garden of Eden talked about in the Bible may have been located in the marshlands of Iraq. The marshes are now home to the native Ma’dan marsh dwellers, as well as many species of migrating waterfowl and game fish. Drainage of the wetlands as well as toxic contamination over the last twenty years devastated as much as 90% of the marshlands. Marsh dwellers are hoping that, together with the new Iraqi government and Coalition forces, they will be able to change their lives.

Just as the Southwest states and Mexico compete for Colorado River water, in Iraq, there are competing claims for water flowing from the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. This water is used for irrigation, industry, and hydropower.
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Space Ventures, a private company not associated with NASA, has announced that it plans to take tourists for trips around the moon. They have already sent two people into orbits lasting from 10 to 21 days, using Russian equipment. Some trips will include stops at the International Space Station (ISS). A roundtrip ticket, from Earth to the Moon, will cost $100 million.

While this may seem like an extremely expensive ticket, the company is actually trying to keep expenses down. The main way they’re doing this is by not actually landing on the moon, but only circling it, then returning to Earth. They plan to start taking tourists into space in 2008.
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