In the past, a group called Cloneaid said it had clonedhuman beings, but they never proved it. Most scientists saythat, because of the way our cells divide, humans can’t becloned. Now a medical researcher claims he’s created clonesfrom dead people.

Shaoni Bhattacharya writes in New Scientist that researcherPanayiotis Zavos, of the Kentucky Center for ReproductiveMedicine, fused the cells of dead people with empty cow eggs.
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Vote in our newpoll. Tell uswhether “It’s about normal where I am,” “It’s been very strangelately” or “I think all this global warming stuff is a bunchof hype.” Keep reading to learn the results of last week’spoll.

Last week we asked you, “Do you believe that John Kerrydeserves his Vietnam medals?” We had to adjust the poll toremove repeat votes, and we even wrote to one person whovoted over a thousand times. Please remember: distorting ourpoll does not change anyone’s heart or mind. The results:68% of you said, “Yes, he deserves them” and 32% said, “No,he?s a liar.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

After reading many Communion Letters, we’ve discovered that the visitor experience runs in families. Xavier writes: When I was eight and I lived with my father at my grandfather’s house, I would occasionally sleep on the floor in my grandfather’s bedroom. I remember very clearly to this day (twenty years later) that one night I awoke and I was unable to move my head much, as it was held in a vice-like contraption. I remember being afraid, but my mind told me I had rolled under his bed and I gave up trying to move my head and fell back to sleep.
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After reading manyCommunionLetters, we’ve discovered that the visitor experience runsin families.Xavierwrites about the time he discovered that his father once hadstrange experiences too.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more