It’s one of our worst nightmares: being awake during surgery. But anesthesia doesn’t work for everybody. The people this has happened to say the pain isn’t the worst part, although that can be excruciating. It’s the horror of being paralyzed and unable to talk to the surgeon, while being completely aware of what he’s doing to you. Some patients describe it as like being buried alive.

It’s not all that rare: it happens in about one out of every thousand operations. Rachel Nowak writes in New Scientist that a simple device called a BIS monitor can cut the number of these cases by 80%–but most anesthetists don’t use it because they underestimate the possibility of a patient remaining awake.
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Despite government pressure on NASA not to support the scenario in The Day After Tomorrow, scientists are backing the science behind the film. The part of the film most of them object to has to do with the compression of events that they think will happen gradually. Marine physicist Tim Barnett says, “What happens will frankly be worse than what they show, in the long run. Our lives and all our systems will get stretched and stretched and pushed and pushed. The conflicts that will come up will be remarkable.” Andrew Bridges quotes oceanographer William Patzert as saying, “?Perhaps it’s an opportunity to crank up the dialogue on our role in climate change.”
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Two UFOs have been filmed in the U.S. and a man in Chile has finally revealed his abduction from his car in 1997. This weekour subscribers can see the incredible UFO video from Oregon. In Michigan, Donna Billett says, “I was so shocked when I saw [the UFO] out the bathroom window I just stood there in awe for five minutes.”

Matt Whetstone reports in the Cadillac (Michigan) News that Billett’s son Allan McIlvain ran out of the house and filmed the object for about 30 minutes before it finally moved quickly out of sight. In the video, the objects bounces and weaves, just like the video clip from Montana.

“I thought it was lightning at first,” Billett says. “It was like flipping on a light switch?the whole sky was bright.”
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