The space shuttle Columbia started shedding debris as it flew over California, but these crucial first pieces may never be found, because they probably burned up in the atmosphere. To survive the descent to the ground, debris would have “to be a pretty substantial piece of the shuttle itself,” says Jim Hallock, of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. This means that the reason for the breakup of the shuttle may never be known.
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A leaked Pentagon document reveals the U.S. may produce a new kind of smaller nuclear weapon, designed for use in conventional warfare. This would mean abandoning global arms treaties. These weapons have a destructive power of less than five kilotons, and could penetrate an underground bunker before detonating. The Hiroshima bomb dropped in 1945 had a yield of about 15 kilotons, and standard nuclear weapons now have yields of hundreds of kilotons.
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People who have botox injections to get rid of their wrinkles may develop new ones as a result of the treatment. Dr. David Becker says people unconsciously recreate facial expressions in the areas where their facial muscles have been paralyzed. This causes nearby muscles to take over the movements, which can create new wrinkles. One example is the popular use of botox injections between the eyebrows. Becker says, “In this case, following treatment, muscles in the upper nose, middle eyebrow and eyelid may try to recreate the expression of a scowl. Repetitions of this action cause new wrinkles.”

Maybe we should concentrate on creating more spiritual bodies for ourselves.

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Invasive species often thrive in new environments and overrun native species because they have an unfair advantage. “Invasive species end up with about half the parasites, or diseases, they had at home,” says U.S. Geological Survey ecologist Kevin Lafferty. “Parasites are to invasive species what kryptonite is to Superman. Back on planet Krypton, kryptonite was a regulator, keeping Superman ordinary. Freed from kryptonite on earth, he gained super powers.”

Animals that have an average of 16 parasites on their home turf only bring about three of them to their new location. And only about four new parasites will adapt to attack the invading species. That makes 7 parasites?less than half of what they had at home.
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