After reading our story about the casket of Jesus being discovered, Laurence Gardner, author and popular Dreamland guest, wrote:

Recently, much has been written about the inscribed Jerusalem ossuary (bone casket) attributed to Jesus’ brother James, as brought to light in the Biblical Archaeological Review for November/December 2002. News of this discovery was immediately followed-up by National Geographic, CNN, Discovery Channel and others, with the main point of debate being the surprise expressed by those who did not know that Jesus had a brother. Let us therefore clarify this fact from the New Testament before considering the ossuary itself.
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A year after the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, scientists and physicians in New York City are still trying to figure out what tens of thousands of people inhaled that day. Christie Whitman, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, says there is nothing to worry about, but New York politicians Jerrold Nadler, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer don’t agree.
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According to new research, the Kyoto Protocol to halt climate change, which the U.S. refuses to sign, won’t work because it’s based on a scientific fallacy. The protocol allows countries to meet their targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade by planting forests to soak up carbon dioxide. But the soil in these new forests will actually release more carbon than the trees absorb in the first 10 years. “Countries will be able to claim carbon credits for the forests. But that won’t reflect what is happening in the atmosphere,” says Riccardo Valentini of CarboEurope.
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Fox News in New York aired video of a UFO that was accidentally taped by a camcorder near Albany Airport. The cameraman thought it was hundreds of feet long, and it appeared to be very slender, needle-shaped, with missile-like fins fore and aft. It moved extremely rapidly from right to left above the clouds. According to the photographer, the original videotape was requested for study by the FBI. The object bears a striking resemblance to a “rod” such as the ones extensively researched and photographed by Jose Escamilla. To explore this comparison, go to

Does our government really know that UFOs are here? Richard Dolan says they definitely do and proves it in “UFOs and the National Security State,” click here.
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