Astronomers want to find all the asteroids that may be heading for an impact with Earth, so they’re searching for the legendary group of asteroids called “Vulcanoids” that may be circling the sun. We can’t see these asteroids, but we know they?re there because they effect Mercury’s orbit and make the planet wobble. In the 19th century, astronomers thought Mercury’s strange orbit must be caused by a hidden planet, which they called “Vulcan,” after the Roman god of fire. Astronomers now think hundreds of space rocks, up to 20 miles in diameter, can be found between Mercury and the sun. They could be pieces of a planet that broke apart millions of years ago, and if the orbit of one of them gets deflected, it could head our way.
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Men are starting to develop body image disorders because they believe they don’t have enough muscles. Fashion and the media, which have long caused women to hate their bodies because they’re not as thin as models and movie stars, are now affecting men, too. They’re developing a condition called muscle dysmorphia (MD), which affects men who, despite being highly muscular, still see themselves as skinny weaklings. This causes them to work out more and more, sometimes taking dangerous steroids, in order to become the size and shape they think they should be.
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The campus doctor at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. was treating a math major, when he noticed that the student’s head was a little larger than normal. He referred the student to neurology professor John Lorber, who gave the student a CAT scan and discovered he has virtually no brain at all, despite having an IQ of 126 and doing well in college.
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Journalist Leslie Kean quotes astrophysicist Bernard Haisch in the Providence (RI) Journal that, “To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing. To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it nonetheless is another. That is not science.” Kean says it’s not good journalism either. She reveals that scientists are confused about what is causing crop circles and that the cause of this phenomenon has definitely not been proven. Kean will talk about this on Dreamland Saturday, October 5. To read her Insight piece, click here.

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