American Airlines Flight 587 bound from JFK to Santo Domingo with 247 passengers and 9 crew members aboard crashed on takeoff at approximately 9:17 AM EST. The plane crashed into a residential area of Far Rockaway, and at 10:15 AM EST twelve buildings were reported to be on fire. It struck near 130th Street and Newport Avenue. Four houses were destroyed and sixteen damaged.

The Rockaway area lost 170 residents in the World Trade Center castastrophe. Many members of the New York City uniformed services live in the area.
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The Sunday edition of the English Telegraph reports that in a video which has been circulating for 2 weeks among bin Laden?s supporters, he admits he was behind the attacks on the World Trade Towers. The video, showing a smiling bin Laden, was shot in the Afghan mountains at the end of October. It was not released on the al-Jazeera T.V. network, as is usually the case, because it?s believed to have been made as a propaganda tool to inspire al Qaeda members.
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Climate warming is changing the habits of bugs and butterflies, according to scientists. There is evidence that some butterflies are adapting to a warmer climate by adopting new habitats, according to Chris Thomas of the British Association Science Festival in Glasgow. ?A range of species which used to be solely in the south east are expanding north,? he says.

A butterfly called the silver-spotted skipper, previously confined to sunny south-facing slopes, is now able to move to new areas as the temperature gets warmer. In the last 20 years it has expanded its range and developed a 10-20% increase in muscle mass, so that it can fly farther.
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A giant, prehistoric circle has been discovered in Ohio that is nearly perfect and about 90 feet across. It was buried long ago and is completely underground.

Using powerful magnetic sensors, archaeologists discovered the circle by chance. N?omi Greber, a Cleveland Museum of Natural History archaeologist, says they used remote-sensor tools which were originally developed for petroleum exploration. ?Now we can see things that we didn?t even know were there.?
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