The Pentagon spent a great deal of time handling the Gulf War Syndrome issue as if our soldiers were either crazy, faking their illnesses, or suffering from problems unrelated to their service in the Gulf or the military. In other words, it was more interested in covering itself than in supporting the troops and being sensitive to their needs. Later, it turned out that soldiers were sent into areas contaminated with chemical weapons, even though specially-designed tanks that were created to detect these chemicals were indicating their presence.
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Most asteroids can be found in the main asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists have always wondered why these rocks sometimes change their orbits and aim for a possible collision with Earth. A new study suggests that the sun?s energy may be responsible for sending the objects hurtling down on us, in a process called the Yarkowsky Effect, named for a Russian engineer who discovered it a hundred years ago.
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Scientists have announced that genetically engineered wheat, barley and rice could be commercially available within the next 3 years. James Cook, wheat scientist for Washington State University, said Monsanto’s Roundup Ready wheat, used to control weeds, could be available to farmers by 2003. It would join corn, soybeans and cotton, which have already been genetically engineered into specialized versions.

Cook has promised that the wheat industry will not repeat the mistakes made with StarLink corn. Instead, the genes inserted into the food products will receive FDA approval for human consumption first, so that no real effort need be made by the industry to prevent them from spreading far and wide.
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