Pandas are becoming endangered even in zoos, because it’shard to get them interested in sex. A Chinese zoo showedfemale panda Hua Meipanda porn inorder to get her interested in mating–and it worked. Shejust gave birth to twins.

Li Wei, of the Wolong Panda Conservation Center, says, "Weare all very excited. The cubs are in good condition."

When Kevin Mannis owned the "dybbuk box," his hair began tofall out and his antique store was trashed. When JasonHaxton bought it, he began to have health problems. Whitleyinterviews them BOTH on this week’sDreamland.When he did the special subscriber interview, he began tohave "box" problems too! OnMysteriousPowers, Anne Strieber hears one of the greatest all-timeghoststories. And subscribers get to learn all about the starmap Betty Hill remembered from her abduction–at a bigdiscount. New subscribers get the Zeta Reticuli booklet forfree.

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