Scientists have assumed our universe is young, but now they’re saying it’s middle aged and will stop expanding and start collapsing fairly soon. Of course, “soon” in astronomical terms means billions of years in the future. Right now, a mysterious “dark energy” is pushing the universe apart, but when this force loses its power, the cosmos will collapse.
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Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry, of Johns Hopkins University, announced in January that they had averaged all colors from the light of 200,000 galaxies and concluded that if the human could see this color, it would be a pale green?the color of the universe.

They now say they reached the wrong conclusion due to flawed software. The effect of the software error was that the computer picked a nonstandard white and mixed it with the other colors to come up with green. When the error was corrected and replaced with a standard white index, ?It looks like beige,? Glazebrook says. ?I don?t know what else to call it. I would welcome suggestions.? In January, Baldry called the color ?cosmic spectrum green.?
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The basic laws of nature may be changing as the universe ages, according toan international group of astrophysicists from United States, Australia andBritain. This could change our fundamental assumptions about the way theuniverse works.
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