If extraterrestrial life does exist, scientists think they’ve found the star that?s orbited by the planet it’s on?a middle-aged star in the constellation Gemini. Out of 30 possible solar systems, this one is the best.

Astrobiologist Maggie Turnbull has made a list of 30 stars with planets that could harbor life and found that the one called 37 Gem is the most likely candidate for extraterrestrial life. “This stable, middle-aged star is just a bit hotter and brighter than our sun. And if alien life is anywhere, it’s likely to be there,” she says.
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Our solar system may have had another planet, that was swallowed up by the Sun. But before it was destroyed, this planet caused a lot of problems.

Space scientists John Chambers and Jack Lissauer of NASA think that along with Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars there was another planet, just outside of the orbit of Mars and inside the asteroid belt. They base their theory on computer modeling.
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Astronomers have found a new planet orbiting our Sun. The new-discovered icy, reddish body is between 595 and 788 miles across, around the size of Pluto?s moon Charon. It has been named 2001 KX76 for now. ?When we spotted it, we just wrote ‘wow’ on the image,? says co-discoverer Dr Lawrence Wasserman of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. ?We knew right away it was a big one.?
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