Chewing gum may keep your jaws (and mind) busy, but it’s no substitute for food–in fact, in makes you HUNGRIER. Even worse, it creates a craving for chips, cookies and candy, rather than fruits and vegetables.

Gum may evoke thoughts of food and get digestive juices flowing, which can make people hungrier. But they’ll reach for fast food, instead of vegetables, because menthol, the chemical responsible for the minty-fresh flavor in some types of gum, makes fruits and veggies taste bitter.
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Billboards advertising fast food may inspire people to eat more, and thus gain weight. Advertisers are careful not to place billboards advertising cigarettes or liquor too close to schools, but fat people are everywhere, so there’s no way to regulate these ads.

A team of researchers walked around Los Angeles and New Orleans, noting every outdoor advertisement they saw. When they compared the height and weight of over 2,000 residents in these locations, after paying them to answer a telephone survey, they found that for every 10% increase in food ads, the odds of being obese increased by 5%.
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A father’s fatness may influence his children’s health and raise their risk for diseases like cancer. Biologist Adelheid Soubry says, "Understanding the risks of the current Western lifestyle on future generations is important."

In the past, researchers looking at health outcomes in newborns have studied pregnant mothers, because studies have shown that nutrition and environmental factors during pregnancy can affect children’s health and may raise their risk of chronic diseases. However, little has been done to uncover how a father’ health can affect children.
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