The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released their year-end report on the planet’s average temperatures, and 2015 has proven to the warmest year since record keeping began in 1880 — by a wide margin. The year also left a trail of multiple broken temperature records in it’s wake, for both yearly and monthly records over land, sea, and combined averages.

2015’s global average temperature was a full 1.62ºF (0.90ºC) above the 20th century average, and it beat 2014’s record temperature by 0.29ºF (0.16ºC). This margin is also a record, in-of-itself, being the widest observed margin on record.
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When it comes to bad weather, heat waves kill more people than tornadoes, blizzards or hurricanes, which doesn’t bode well for global warming. For instance, during 3 excruciating weeks in August of 2003, an epic heat wave broiled parts of Europe and killed an estimated 70,000 people. It was so hot electrical cables melted, nuclear reactors could not be cooled, water pumps failed, and museum specimens liquefied.
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More than 622 people have died in a heat wave in southern India during the past week.Temperatures soared to 120 degrees F near the Bay of Bengal.

It has been an abnormally hot May in southern India, with dry winds blowing from the northwestern deserts much earlier than usual. Temperatures have been 7% higher than normal for the month. The state’s weather officials say it is simply due to wind patterns, not global warming.

However, the government has ordered a scientific committee to examine the causes of the heat wave, which has killed mostly the elderly, weak, and laborers who have to work in the heat, such as farm workers, rickshaw pullers and village cleaners.
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