Astronauts have seen UFOs on the moon, and astronomers have noticed unusual features about objects passing between the earth and the moon, features which have never been made public.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who is now 80, feels that an alien presence may be here, but that it is being held secret for religious and perhaps military reasons. He was the sixth man to walk upon the moon, and even though he didn’t see any extraterrestrials there, what he DID experience there has formed his subsequent theories about who the visitors are. Mitchell is one of the people who wrote a "blurb" for the cover of Whitley’s new book "Solving the Communion Enigma." read more

Edgar Mitchell has once again stated clearly that high ranking civilian and military officials have over the years confirmed to him the UFO phenomenon in part is the consequence of a non-human intelligence engaging the planet earth and the human race. He also says an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 placing in ET technology into the hands of the US Government. He made these provocative remarks on Larry King Live on July 4th and again on a London radio show on July 23rd. Stephen Bassett, a spokesman for Mitchell, says, “Dr. Mitchell is only the tip of the more