In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about what it was like to sit in the “green room” while Whitley taped an appearance on the Craig Ferguson Late Late Show.

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In Anne’s new diary, she tells about the adventures she and Whitley had at his recent book signings for The Grays in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles.

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In Anne’s new diary she talks about a question that “reminds me of a basic conundrum of Christianity that?s as old as the Mary versus Martha question.” Anne and Whitley had a delightful time chatting with subscribers on Saturday. The COMPLETE text of their conversation with YOU (if you’re a subscriber) is now available on the subscriber section. If you want to be invited to their next chat, subscribe today!

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “One of my all-time heroes is Episcopalian bishop John Shelby Spong. I get his newsletter every Wednesday and was amazed to see that, in his recent one, the position he takes about the existence of God parallels the stance that Whitley and I have decided we must take with regard to the reality of the visitors, a point of view that is reflected in Whitley’s new novel The Grays.”

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