…and others are not – Many inmates spend decades on death row?how are the ones who are finally actually executed chosen? For instance, only around 50 of the over 3,200 inmates on death row were executed in 2006. A statistical analysis reveals the common traits of those who were given the needle?and they’re not what you expected!
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During a political season like this one, some candidates claim that immigration leads to high crime rates, but a new study shows that immigrant neighborhoods actually experience LESS violence.
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A new study shows that giving city squares a makeover could offer a surprising benefit: reduced crime rates. A significant proportion of crimes are committed by adolescents, so don’t we do more to stop juvenile crime? It turns out we’re too intimidated by them to intervene when we see a crime being committed or to even report their offenses.
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Prison is often a death sentence?and not for the reasons you might think. Prisoners who have been recently released from jail have a much high death rate, especially in the first two weeks after release.

Researchers Ingrid Binswanger and Marc Stern analyzed data from over 30,000 inmates released from prison between 1999 and 2003 in Washington state. Of those individuals, almost 450 died during the next 2 years.
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