The government is spying on us and now we’re spying on each other. Here’s the latest, and it’s a pattern that repeats itself daily in hundreds of millions of offices and coffee shops around the world: People sit down, turn on their computers, set their mobile phones on their desks and begin to work. What if a hacker could use that phone to track what the person was typing on the keyboard just inches away? A research team has discovered how to do exactly that, using a smartphone accelerometer–the internal device that detects when and how the phone is tilted–to sense keyboard vibrations and decipher complete sentences with up to 80% accuracy.
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If we create these, it could definitely become a horror story–IF they take over! When the Master of the Key burst into Whitley Strieber’s hotel room in 1998, Whitley asked him if he was an intelligent machine. MOTKE replied (naturally) that "If I was, I wouldn’t tell you." Are scientists planning to create hybrids to take over some of the work that humans do now? (NOTE: You can get "Hybrids" and "The Key" from the Whitley Strieber Collection, and they will arrive with an autographed bookplate designed by Whitley!)
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It’s not just because you can have sex with it. Biologists and mathematicians have discovered that nature follows a formula known as the "golden mean," which refers to the proportions found in nature. It is a ratio based on "pi," the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Because these proportions are everywhere around us, we are biologically programmed to find them beautiful. Steve Jobs, who just died, knew this: Apple products appeal to us because they design their products using the SAME mathematical formula.
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