We have a lot to thank bees for, so maybe we should let them share our lattes.

It turns out that bees like caffeine, and that ingesting it actually boosts their memories. But where can they get it? They’re attracted to citrus flowers because they have caffeine-laced nectar, which hooks them the same way coffee hooks human imbibers.

The New York Times quotes brain specialist Geraldine Wright as saying, "The plant is using this as a drug to change a pollinator’s behavior for its own benefit." In other words, if the bees remember where those flowers are, they’ll return again and again to pollinate them.
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A new study show that bee venom can kill the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). While we don’t recommend getting stung by bees as a preventative, this COULD be incorporated into a protective gel for women.

The secret is a toxin called melittin that’s found in the venom.

In the Huffington Post, Cavan Sieczkowski quotes researcher Joshua L. Hood as saying, "Our hope is that in places where HIV is running rampant, people could use this gel as a preventive measure to stop the initial infection."

This makes it even more imperative that we try to save the bees, and it’s not just honey bees that are in trouble. The American bumblebee seems to be disappearing too.
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Some things never change. Bee stings have been used as medicine and beauty treatments since the days of ancient Egypt. Bee venom contains a compound which stimulates the body’s production of collagen and elastin, which makes us look younger. It may even help prevent cancer (due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics) and help treat arthritis.

Bee venom is being added to skin creams and facial masks and do creams used for lip plumping. It’s being described as "natural Botox." Honey is also added to cosmetics as a moisturizer.
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Bees are amazing creatures. Scientists have discovered that older honey bees REVERSE brain aging when they take on nest responsibilities typically handled by much younger bees. They discovered that tricking older, foraging bees into doing social tasks inside the nest causes changes in the molecular structure of their brains. These findings suggest that social interventions may be used to slow or treat age-related dementia.
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