Back on May 1, Anne had surgery to remove what was thought to be a benign tumor called a meningioma from the area in her brain where her bleed had taken place in 2004. We were dismayed to be given a far more serious diagnosis once the doctors could actually do studies of the tumor. She has a very, very dangerous cancer called a glioblastoma multiforme and worse, another very rare but dangerous tumor called a gliosarcoma. This second tumor could be a consequence of getting radiation from CT-scans in 2004, or it could be associated with an earlier incident that took place in 1992 or 1993 in our cabin. I think it might also have something to do with Fukushima. Maybe they both do, but so far no statistics have emerged that would suggest more

Anne Strieber, who’s had her own near death experience, discusses the fact that there is a link between the close encounter experience and the dead? Anne asks the question, "what if we knew–as the visitors seem to know–that there is a life after death?" We live in a physically obsessed society, to the extent that many of our greatest thinkers have gone ‘soul blind.’ Julia Assante says that many elements of our society are actually engaged in inducing fear of death as a way of obsessing us with clinging to life at any cost–and paying them for the privilege.
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Anne Strieber’s recovery has proceeded far enough to enable her to attend the Revelations Symposium where she and Clare Henry will present a program on angels in their lives. Until today, Anne’s plans were unsure, but her doctor has cleared her to make the trip, so we’re going to enjoy a wonderful presentation that will open our minds to one of the most inspiring but denied realities of our time. As always, Anne is eager to meet attendees personally who would like to discuss their close encounter experiences and share with her the joy of prayer.
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Over the course of her 27 interviews with close encounter witnesses for, Anne Strieber has heard stories from witnesses whose experiences have involved Native American wisdom keepers and elders. Here, Anne and Nancy Red Star discuss some of these stories, which marks the first time that a Native American expert has been made aware of the fact that people outside of that community are being drawn to it by the visitors themselves.

Nancy also reveals a surprising fact, which is that some tribes have compacts with the US Government not to discuss their experiences outside of their own group.

Some very deep material is exchanged between Anne and Nancy in this exceptional and powerful discussion.
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