Just like humans, birds that are abused when they’re young are more likely to become abusers themselves later on.

Adult Nazca boobies, seabirds that live on the Galapagos Islands, often attack their neighbors’ young. These bullied nestlings then turn into bullies themselves when they become adults, meaning the cycle continues. Researchers even believe that this cycle may have the same cause in both birds and humans, since stress hormones surge after bird abuse.
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Remember the infamous O.J. Simpson case? WHY don’t more women report being abused? A new study used recorded jailhouse telephone conversations between men charged with felony domestic violence and their victims to help reveal why some victims decide not to follow through on the charges. What did they discover? Through subtle psychological manipulation, the perpetrators make their victims FEEL SORRY FOR THEM.
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Sometimes it comes from other kids! – More than one third of those who sexually abuse children are other juveniles, not adults (as one might suspect).

Researchers found that juveniles account for more than one-third of those known to police to have committed sex offenses against minors. And juveniles who commit sex offenses against other children are more likely than adult sex offenders to offend in groups, at schools, and to have more male and younger victims.
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