And green tea medicine – We reported on this before, but it was unclear whether or not simply EATING curry occasionally would do the trick, but researchers have now decided that it will. So your new prescription is: eat curry once a week. And finish the meal with a cup of GREEN tea.

Curcumin, one of the main ingredients in curry, seems to prevent the spread of plaques that cause Alzheimer’s. BBC News quotes researcher Murali Doraiswamy as saying, “If you have a good diet and take plenty of exercise, eating curry regularly could help prevent dementia.”

And here’s another reminder about why green is good (green tea that is. And hey, marijuana is green and it’s ALSO an effective medicine)!

Mayo Clinic researchers are reporting positive results in early leukemia clinical trials using the an active ingredient in green tea to treat the most common subtype of leukemia in the United States, which currently has no cure. Researcher Tait Shanafelt says, “We found not only that patients tolerated the green tea extract at very high doses, but that many of them saw regression to some degree of their chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The majority of individuals who entered the study with enlarged lymph nodes saw a 50% or greater decline in their lymph node size.”

Here at, we CARE about your health, which is why we have a FREE diet book for you. Many people at the recent Dreamland Festival asked us where to find it on our website and here’s how: click here and scroll down to What I Learned From the Fat Years. Anne Strieber lost 100 pounds by following it, and you can too. If you appreciate all the great things we do for you, please help us survive: Click the “donate” tab on our home page and, most important of all, subscribe today!

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