Everyone who loves science, that includes the writers and readers of this web site, has been dismayed by the anti-scientific stance of the current administration?particularly since there is absolutely no reason that science and religion have to clash.

After criticizing researchers in academia, the Bush administration is now trying to control its own scientists?the ones who work at the US Geological Survey (USGS)?when their study results come up with conclusions that go against official government policies, by make new rules that require the screening of all facts and interpretations before the data is released to the public.

In LiveScience.com, John Heilprin quotes marine biologist Jim Estes as saying, “I feel as though we’ve got someone looking over our shoulder at every damn thing we do. And to me that’s a very scary thing. I worry that it borders on censorship.”

In a classic example of political “spin,” he quotes Barbara Wainman, the Interior Department’s director of communications, as saying, in defense of the Bush policies, “This is not about stifling or suppressing our science, or politicizing our science in any way?What it was designed to do is to improve our product flow.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

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