British cattle feed in all probability contaminated with Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis prions was exported to third world countries for years after its exportation was banned to the European Union by the British government.

The first two cases of humans with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), the disease caused by BSE prions in human beings, have been confirmed in Thailand. Before 1996, Thailand was a major importer of British livestock feed.

Other suspected cases in South Korea and Spain, both of which were importers of British cattle feed, are waiting for confirmation.

The exportation of this feed worldwide, for years after the problem was known to the British government and its export had been banned to the country’s EU allies, may well have spread BSE extensively across the planet.

British cattle feed is not imported into the United States in any significant quantities, and importation into Canada was discontinued at the same time that EU exports ceased.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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