Beginning on April 21, Dreamland will be aired live on Saturday nights. The Easter Sunday program will be the program’s last Sunday evening broadcast. This is being done as part of the program’s drive to be cleared on more stations. On Sunday nights, stations will now be scheduling other programming.
For many years, a substantial number of stations have broadcast Dreamland tape-delayed on Saturday nights. This has proved to be a popular time with listeners, and network programming officials are hoping that Dreamland’s steady growth can be continued and increased by the move.
There may be stations who fail to receive notification of the change, so any listeners who cannot find Dreamland on their stations at the usual time 6-11 Pacific on Saturday nights should call their station managers during business hours and request that the change be made.
The program will continue to be aired live over the internet, and the archive will continue to be posted.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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