Scotland has recently been a hotbed of UFO activity, and a Japanese TV crew is now saying that they have taped UFOs hovering over a hotel in an area deeply connected to the Knight?s Templar, using an automatic camera. UFO activity in and around the area near Edinburgh has increased dramatically in recent years.

The Japanese crew came to Scotland after Japanese tourists observed UFOs over a golf course in the area, and persuaded a Japanese television network to investigate. The Japanse set up an automatic camera on the roof of Gullane’s Templar Lodge Hotel

In 1994, a local resident obtained a metal fragment believed to have come from a UFO. It was analyzed at the National Museum of Scotland and found to have been machined. But the museum concluded that it was ?no known metal.?

During the summer of 2000, an American golfer who observed strange lights hovering over a course in the area collected a piece of very unusual fabric. “It very weird, like the softest kid leather but with spores that come out when you tap it. It? s like nothing I?ve ever seen,” said hotelkeeper Stephen Prior. It is due for analysis.

Ron Halliday, chair of the Scottish Earth Mysteries organization, says “skeptics cannot continue to scoff after this. The Japanese film will silence many critics. It may be proof that aliens are targeting Scotland for a landing.”

However, it should be noted that the area over Berwick Law and Traprain Law where many sightings are now taking place have exhibited such lights for hundreds of years. There has been speculation that they represent a piezoelectric effect due to heating and cooling of the granite that underlies the area. However, there is no known piezoelectric effect that induces long-duration plasmas, or even that such plasmas could persist for more than a few seconds, or fly through the sky at altitude.

Mr. Halliday says that he often gets reports of sightings from the ?Scottish Triangle? between Edinburgh, Stirling and East Kilbride.

Templar Lodge manager Stephen Prior says, ?I’m a skeptic about these things, but we’ll see.?

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