Tens of millions of people along the east coast of the U.S.and Canada may drown if a volcano off north Africa slidesinto the sea. Some time in the next few thousand years, theCumbre Vieja volcano on the Canary Island of La Palma willcollapse, sending a 300 foot high tsunami across theAtlantic.

The collapse began when the volcano erupted in 1949. Iterupts every 25 to 200 years. The last eruption was in 1971;before that, the previous eruption was in 1712.

Scientist Bill McGuire says we’ll have seven to ten hourswarning after the volcano crashes. The tsunami would hitnearby islands within an hour and reach the north Africancoast within two hours. We could have more than a day’swarning if we were watching for signs that the volcano wasabout to erupt.

But there is almost no scientific monitoring of the volcano.McGuire says, “The U.S. government must be aware of thethreat. I am sure they are not taking it seriously. Theycertainly should be worried, as should the island states ofthe Caribbean. A future president of the United States mustmake a call on what to do when La Palma collapses.”

It’s never too late to learn thelostsecret of death.

Photo credits: http://www.freeimages.co.uk/

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