A drug can probably be developed that will let us eat as much as we want and not gain weight. It will also protect us from type 2 diabetes, which is related to weight gain.
Dr. Ronald Kahn studied mice that were genetically altered to have no insulin receptor in their fat, so they could eat all they wanted and not gain weight. They also lived longer than unaltered mice. Kahn says, ?Since insulin is needed to help fat cells store fat, these animals had less fat and were protected against the obesity that occurs with aging or overeating.”
It?s been known for a long time that eating an extremely low calorie diet leads to longer life in many organisms?but is it a life worth living? If we can find a drug that will knock out our insulin receptors, we can have all the benefits of semi-starvation, without having to give up food.
While Americans dread getting on the scale and spend millions on diet books, scientists know that one of our problems is that we?re programmed to eat everything we can get our hands on by hundreds of thousands of years of periodic famine. We?ve also inherited insulin that?s overly aggressive when it comes to storing fat. This is especially true of people with Indian blood, such as Mexican Americans and some Native Americans, who have a large incidence of diabetes and obesity.
The problem is, we?re still Hungry.
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