Computers taken from an Italian mosque reveal that pornographic images were used to conceal coded messages about 911. Images of the World Trade Center were hidden in temporary files on one of the computers at a mosque in Milan that was frequented by terrorists. This and similar images were imbedded inside pornographic pictures before they were sent to other al-Qaeda cells, in a process known as steganography.

Several terrorists who used the computers are now on trial in Milan, and these images are evidence that they knew about the 911 highjackings before they occurred. The hard drives of all the computers had been erased, but computer experts were able to reconstruct them.

Internet security expert Chet Hosmer says, “Images that might be in an e-mail message that I send to you, that has a picture of my dog or my cat?I hide an actual secret message inside that image that no one else would be able to detect or see.” The recipient can retrieve the hidden message with a password. “It actually goes back to Roman times when they used to shave the head of messengers, and tattoo secret messages on their scalp,” says Hosmer. “It really doesn’t have very many legitimate purposes.”

Despite the fact that most of the al-Qaeda terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, they’re now attacking the Saudis as well. The Saudi government has arrested 149 Saudis for plotting to poison water storage containers at public buildings.

What really happened on the day that changed all of our lives?

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