If you’re too fat, you need to figure out why before you can lose weight successfully. Scientists have discovered that stress makes us eat too much?especially sugar. It’s actually another form of addiction, just like being addicted to gambling, cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.

Psychologist Kent Berridge discovered that rats that are put under stress develop a craving for sugar. He says, “There are lots of reasons why stressed people might over eat or gamble or chase after hedonic rewards. Unfortunately this new result reveals another one. People who feel bad during stress cope in part by overeating or pursuing other incentives. Now it turns out a stress chemical also activates the same brain mechanism that goes wrong in drug addiction to make us excessively want pleasurable things.”

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If YOU need to lose weight, did you know there’s a wonderful FREE diet book right here on our website? To read it, click here and scroll down to “What I Learned From the Fat Years.” Anne Strieber, who used to be a diabetic, devised it using scientific principles and used it to lose 100 pounds?and you can too. Sometimes we distort nature?usually to our detriment. Stay tuned to unknowncountry.com news to learn The key to eating right. The key to OUR survival is you: so subscribe today if you want us to be here tomorrow.

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