Christina, or Cloud Dancer, was born to a family that loved to hunt and fish. One night, out in the forest, her mother, who was part Indian,  had been telling tribal stories, when suddenly her dad yelled, "What the heck is that?" while her mother tried to protect her and said, "Don’t look!"
Their campsite became infused with a bluish-white light. Her father grabbed a deer rifle, while her mother put her in the cab of their pickup and covered her with a loosely woven blanket. She peek through the blanket and saw a  beam of really bright blue light came down and some people step out of it. They were very small and only came up to her mother’s shoulder.
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For our subscribers, we go deeper with Anne Strieber’s latest interview of a close encounter witness. Given how convincing the evidence of close encounter has become–as shown in this week’s Dreamland, for example–Anne Strieber’s witness interviews are of extraordinary importance. They offer profound insight into the meaning of the experience, and thus are a window into what is likely to be a truly incredible human future, as contact continues to spread.

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This week, Anne Strieber interviews contactee "Scott" who has had a lifetime of extraordinary experiences. Listen as he tells of the other-worldly childhood teacher for whom he felt great love, and describes the unusual marks on his body that are silent witness to a hidden life of deepest strangeness. He prefers to call himself a ‘participant’ rather than an ‘abductee’ and considers himself part of a great leap of consciousness that mankind is in the process of making.
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Ken’s close encounters started in childhood, but he didn’t become aware that they were occurring until 2002, at the age of 50. Defense Department officials have had an involvement in his case, and an implant was removed from his son a few years ago. In college, he was a security guard for a secret defense related program, and he believes that this was somehow associated with his close encounters.

Listen as Anne Strieber uses her enormous knowledge of the close encounter experience to guide Ken through a very provocative interview.
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