The Surge (with an UPDATE!)

August 21, 2008
UPDATE: This is not a political website, but I've decided that Obama has my vote and for a unique reason: His running mate, Joe Biden, had a burst aneurysm like I did, and I know what that does for you.... continued


August 5, 2008
In the play (and later movie) "Prelude to a Kiss," an old man manages to enter the body of a beautiful young bride when he kisses her, to the great consternation of the bridegroom (who somehow KNOWS his new wife... continued

Requiem for a Clown

July 8, 2008
The comedian George Carlin died recently and in a "funny" way, he's been an important part of my life for a long time? kind of "haunting" it with laughter. Carlin was about the power of words--something that writers WANT to... continued

It Was a Festival, All Right

July 1, 2008
I know that as a diarist, I'm expected to write about our recent Dreamland Festival, but I'm not sure where to start. One of the problems is that everyone attended "their own" festival, depending on which talks meant the most... continued


June 18, 2008
After a group meeting, an acolyte once asked his teacher, "Why do you always say the same thing?" The guru's reply: "Because you haven't heard me yet." I've been thinking about those lines lately, because I've begun to notice so... continued

Ordinary People

May 18, 2008
I had experiences recently with what might be called "the extraordinary ordinary," a term I coined after reading over half a million Communion letters from common, everyday people who'd had what can only be called transformative experiences with some sort... continued

At the Movies

May 13, 2008
When you are in the movie business (and have even acted in a movie, as Whitley and I have) it kind of spoils your movie going experience. You no longer enjoy films with the childlike wonder you used to bring... continued

What’s It Like? (To Act in a movie)

April 26, 2008
Whitley and I just had a week of amazing adventure: Doing a "cameo" on the set of a major motion picture. It was a classic movie set, with security guards stationed everywhere and people of all races and colors walking... continued

God Laughs & Plays

April 16, 2008
I was thinking the other day about what a really FUNNY book the Bible is. I've always thought that people take it MUCH too seriously! Because they stick to the flowery King James version, instead of more modern translations, they... continued

An Easter Diary from Anne

March 24, 2008
Every year I seem to write an Easter Diary, and I don't see why this year should be any exception. I actually went to church this year, and although I didn't really want to go (and had all sorts of... continued