An reader from of Pennsylvania writes: ?Regarding your item on the South Dakota snake sighting, there has been a legend of a giant snake in the Broad Top Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania for many years. The snake resembles an Anaconda and ranges from 28 to 40 feet in length. The first sighting on record was in 1927, with the last one in July, 2000.

?The Broad Top is a mountainous region that is 90% forested, with remote sections without any houses for miles. As Pennsylvania winters are very cold, there are skeptics. But Broad Top is a mining region and there are a number of abandoned mine tunnels where a tropical snake could spend the winter. I have been a newspaper editor inthe region for 28 years and I have followed this story for most of my career. I talked with the three witnesses who saw it last July and found them to be very credible. The people who saw the giant snake in South Dakota may be on to something.?

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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