Whitley and I go to one of the local farmer’s markets several times a week. When we’re in the farmer’s market, I usually ride in my wheelchair—not because I can’t walk, but because it puts me at eye level with all the fruits and vegetables.

We own a practical hybrid car right now, but we used to own a zippy sports car. So, can you guess which style of driving Whitley favors when he’s pushing my wheelchair? Yep, he pushes the wheelchair like he’s driving a sports car, careening through crowds, almost bumping into people, clattering over rough terrain at breakneck speed.

I end up looking not only for onions and peaches, but also for pedestrians, because sometimes he clips them or runs into them. Today he almost ran into a man from behind. If that had happened, the guy’s knees would have buckled and he would have ended up in my lap. But would that have been good or bad? I’m not sure, actually.

I sometimes think I ought to equip my wheelchair with a loud horn. I wouldn’t honk just as occasionally necessary. At the speeds we go, it’s always necessary!

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  1. That’s wonderful Anne.
    That’s wonderful Anne. Whitley probably slows down when you get close to the produce. It is great that he is so strong.

  2. Hi Anne. I had a similar
    Hi Anne. I had a similar experience when I ended up in a wheelchair for several months following surgery. My well-meaning husband and father took turns pushing me around, and there were times I felt like we were careening out of control! I spent a lot of time gripping the arms of the chair bracing for impacts that they always somehow avoided at the last moment. 🙂

    Hugs to you and well-meaning Whitley,

  3. I wonder if we will feel the
    I wonder if we will feel the same way about these new cars we have no control over?
    You are having a trial run 🙂

  4. I have a solution,Anne. I
    I have a solution,Anne. I used to teach Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides. To teach them about using care during wheelchair transport, it is very effective if the Student has the opportunity to ride in a wheelchair! See if you can arrange this for Whitley. It will be fun, Whitley. I promise. I think you two are wonderful!

  5. I had a similar experience
    I had a similar experience after a car accident side-lined me for a few months. I wondered how I could help my husband to understand that what seemed to him like “shussing” felt to me like a hectic “slalom”! There was only one way, really, and that was to reverse roles. I couldn’t walk but a male friend of mine could and he agreed to take my husband for a ride. Being much closer to the uneven and pot-holed pavement did wonders in changing hubby’s perception of potential mishaps. No more slalom after that, just gentle shussing…Lesson learned: men learn from action, not words.

  6. This was a wonderful laugh to
    This was a wonderful laugh to read.. Love the vibrance you two share…still “Having Joy” 🙂

  7. I put a bell on my bicyclee
    I put a bell on my bicyclee and that seems to keep the collisions down with pedestrian our the Freeway ever at the Pearl, go to either the Bike World bike shop located by the 281 bridge or The bike shop across the Broadway from Sam’s Burger Joint and go get your self a bell. 😉

  8. Have you thought about using
    Have you thought about using a walker?

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