The more we study it, the universe continues to become curiouser and curiouser, and the last few weeks have been no exception: X marks the center of the galaxy; one of Saturn’s rings was broken; and NASA plans to destroy Juno space probe — to protect aliens?

Astronomers at the Max Planck Institute and the University of Toronto have verified the existence of an extremely large X-shaped arrangement of stars at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, a structure that was hinted at by previous observations of other galaxies and computer models. From Earth’s point of view, the galaxy’s central bulge of millions of stars looks like a peanut shape, with the X-structure being an integral part of this.
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Over the course of my life with the presence I collectively call “the visitors,” they have consistently demonstrated three concerns: 1, that our free will remain intact; 2, that we preserve our planet’s ability to keep us alive; and 3, that we not engage in nuclear war.

If you read over my journals, you will find that very, very few of them address political issues. However, we have ended up with a candidate who is a strong contender for the US Presidency whose policies deny global warming, might well lead us into nuclear war and whose plans compromise freedom on many different levels, not only ours, but that of many of those who live under the umbrella of American power.
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Modern science assumes that our consciousness is generated solely by electro-chemical processes in the brain, a fortunate byproduct of billions of neurons recording and processing sensory information as it comes in. But that view comes into question if one take into account stories from ancient traditions of astral travel, and more modern accounts of out-of-body experiences by individuals that live at the edge of reality as we know it. But how can we determine which of these views is correct, or if there is a shade of gray involved somewhere between the two? Perhaps the answer, or maybe an even better question, can come from rare cases where otherwise normal individuals have what might be considered insufficient brain matter to properly function.
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As time passes, Anne Strieber becomes more energetic and focused. In the first part of this edition of Awakening, Whitley explains how to contact her and ask for her guidance, and just how she is likely to go about responding to you. She is ready and eager. In the second part of it, we discover a new way of experiencing attention that is extremely powerful. We always talk about loving the Earth. But what would it mean to let the Earth love us? Is our planet conscious? Our star? The whole universe?

Open your mind to a whole new way of being.
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