A photograph of the famous ghostly apparition the Grey Lady has been captured at the Dark Hedges, in Stranocum, Ireland. The location appeared recently on the HBO series "Game of Thrones"–but not the apparition. Is this a real ghost photo? According to the story sourced here, no photographic tricks were involved.

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As a special Halloween treat, Whitley Strieber reads his story ‘the Pool,’ written in the dark year of 1986 after he’d had the close encounter experience and he was tremendously worried about the safety of his family, and had experienced the shattering of his entire understanding of the world. This story is profound, deeply moving and, frankly, deeply frightening. Perfect for a Halloween weekend!
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Paranormal investigator Sylvia Shults takes us through the notorious Peoria State Hospital, one of the world’s most haunted places, and the most haunted known insane asylum on the planet. And the ghosts are…strange.

In keeping with Dreamland’s tradition of broadcasting genuinely scary interviews on Halloween, this one is–well, genuinely scary!
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Do black cats, bats and witches have you on the run not just at Halloween but year-round? Do you always avoid walking under ladders and stepping on sidewalk cracks?

These behaviors can all be linked to a strong belief that has been embedded in human history — superstitions, according to a Kansas State University professor.

Don Saucier, associate professor of psychology, said superstitions are behaviors that people perform in an attempt to affect or control their future. Superstitious behaviors are a way people think they can control their fate by performing certain tasks in a certain way to either help alleviate anxiety or to simply better their chances in a certain situation.
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