Is this an abduction of a car, or is it a CGI job? It’s one of those cases where it’s impossible to tell if a computer graphic program has been used. So we’re running it, in view of this week’s Dreamland on the mass abduction at the Coronado Hotel in San Diego.
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A recent Unknown Country news article outlined the results of a poll in which representatives from the global population were canvassed for their opinions. The poll asked participants which from a list of dangers they considered to be the most likely to threaten continued human existence.

The options given in the poll ranged from nuclear weapons, religious and ethnic hatred, pollution and environmental disasters, economic crisis and disease. Yet, according to an Oxford philosophy professor who has performed extensive research in the field of all such existential threats, the biggest threat to mankind’s future may be "super-intelligence."
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The art of lucid dreaming is one that many of us would like to perfect, allowing us to remain conscious while dreaming and to take active control of their content. This ability enables the dreamer to visualise a limitless number of scenarios, all played out in vivid detail yet totally under their control.

A desirable skill for those who awake after an amazing dream, frustrated that they cannot recapture its intensity or detailed events. Even lucid dreamers must eventually forget their dream as they are replaced by others, the same as with real life experiences. But what if we could record our dreams to watch again, like an interactive virtual reality TV show?
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This image from Mars almost certainly reveals a fossil of an ancient creature, or, as the videographer suggests, a part of some mechanical object. There is a lesser possibility that it is a geological formation.
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