Researchers at the Salk Institute have found a way to heal damaged hearts, though the new discovery refers to physical cardiac damage, not the emotional kind.

Scientists have managed to repair the injured hearts of living mice by reactivating long dormant molecular machinery found in the animals’ cells, a finding that could help pave the way to new therapies for heart disorders in humans.
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This amateur video shows an object that does not appear to be a computer graphic and, given the wind, it’s neither a drone nor a sky lantern. This is a probable unknown.
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There isn’t much that you can’t find out via Google, but can you really find the secret of "happiness?

Stress and dissatisfaction are common issues in the workplace; in fact, across the world the insidious march of depression’s "black dog" is claiming more and more victims. Statistically, depression in the global population does seem to be more wide-spread than it was a century ago, although the reason for this could be because the world’s population has increased and also because the condition is more likely to be recognised by medical professionals today. Our ancestors undoubtedly suffered from depressive episodes, though were often diagnosed as lunatics and committed to asylums.
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This image appears to be authentic, and if so it is an excellent daylight video of a disk. It was shot from the window of an airliner over Iran. It is not a reflection or a cloud. On close examination, it is not moving at the same speed, but briefly speeds up and slows down as it streaks across the sky.
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