Does Nature think the Earth is overpopulated? Because a "natural" form of birth control is going on right now: A new study of 26,000 men shows that between 1989 and 2005, average sperm counts fell by a third, increasing their risk of infertility.

The decline occurred progressively throughout the 17-year period, meaning that it could still be going on. In fact, in 2011, the US birth rate was the lowest ever recorded, led by a large decrease in births to immigrant women.

Other research over the last 20 years has shown that sperm counts are declining in many countries. The reason isn’t known, but possible explanations have ranged from tight underwear to estrogenic toxins in the environment.
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You will rarely have heard anything even close to the stories being told here by Dr. Arthur Cushman. From early experiences at the Integratron in the company of people like George van Tassel, L. Ron Hubbard and George Adamski to a career as a neurosurgeon and a devastating cancer cured using alternative medicine and a healing using a potent herbal remedy in South America, Dr. Cushman has led a life of highest adventure and greatest danger.

Beyond that, he has deep inside knowledge of the mysteries centering on Nashville, Tennessee which figure so prominently in the works of William Henry and now also in Dan Brown’s upcoming book Inferno.

This is a truly remarkable program, one of the most amazing William has ever done.
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This triangle is so easy to miss, it’s hard to believe that it was even spotted. But it’s there. Hard to believe that this is space debris. It is also clearly visible in the photograph in NASA’s gallery. To see it, click on the image to enlarge it, and look to the upper right. The NASA image can be found here.
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