The first part of this video is pretty interesting. It is one of the longest and clearest orb videos I am aware of. Mr. Strieber sent it to our video experts, and the response so far is that it is probably not a CGI job, and is not any obvious known object like a balloon or some sort of cinder. It moves with apparent purpose, almost as if it is displaying itself. The second part of the tape is of nighttime lights. Unfortunately, like most such videos there is no real way to determine what it is.
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The end may be cold, rather than hot–if that’s the case, we’ll see plenty of snowflakes. Snowflakes come in what seems like endless variety of shapes, although the verdict is out on whether or not no two are ever alike.
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We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night–but it could be good for you. It turns out that the often recommended straight eight hours of sleep may actually be unnatural. Numerous literary and scientific writings from the past refer to a first sleep which began about two hours after dusk (before we had electric lights), followed by a waking period of one or two hours and then a second sleep when darkness finally fell.
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Gary McKinnon, who may have Asperger’s Syndrome and is accused of hacking into NASA computers in order to obtain UFO information, is fighting extradition to the US, where–if convicted–he could even end up in Guantanamo. When British Prime Minister David Cameron made an official visit to the United States recently, he discussed the extradition treaty between the US and the UK that has caused a decade of grief for McKinnon.
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