This object was sighted over the water off Ft. Meyers, Florida yesterday. There is no reason to belileve that this is a CGI effect. It’s an unknown, and given the two lights, an unusual one.
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This report by UFO expert and reporter Leslie Kean concerns UFO footage taken in Chile and examined at a professional level of skill that shows, without question, unknown objects moving through airspace in which a military air show is taking place. The footage is real. There can be no question that these objects are unknown. So where is the New York Times? Where is the Washington Post? Where are the scientists? Hiding behind US government denial. It’s completely insane.
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One of the most startling sections of Whitley Strieber’s new book Solving the Communion Enigma is the part that concerns the connection between the close encounter experience and encounters with the dead. Here, Rob and Trish MacGregor and Whitley tell some of these informative and revealing stories, and Trish lets us know about something that happened to her at one of healer Eric Pearl’s seminars that is just completely unforgettable. Who are the dead? Where are they? And what on–or off–earth do they have to do with the visitors? This show is a real eye-opener.
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